Have you noticed that you have weird breast pain or tenderness more so as you transition through perimenopause or menopause? You may already experience more tenderness in the days leading up to your periods – this was me too for years. I realised though that the tenderness came on later in the day when I was driving home after being sat at a desk all day AND that my bra didn’t fit as well; and I couldn’t wait to remove it when home. In learning Chinese medicine and anatomy I now have a clearer understanding of breast changes and preventative health. With around 1 in 7 women getting a cancer diagnosis and only 5% of these being genetic that leaves a majority of cases being linked to lifestyle. Today I’ll show you how you can have the best natural breast health now with understanding and simple techniques and supplements. For breast health awareness this month AND for life let’s examine natural breast health during menopause.
Natural breast health during menopause
The story of good breast health can start at any time however it may now be more noticeable to you that you’re experiencing pains or tenderness like never before. In my experience there are 2 types of pain that can happen that I don’t see explained elsewhere so this is my take with my Chinese medicine hat on; which teaches us to listen to our bodies and notice differences. The two specific types I’ve experienced have happened at different stages so I’ll explain these first as they have different resolutions.
Tender breast tissue
This is where the overall breast may be sore or hurt so much you don’t want to apply any pressure. This is a build up of lymph fluid and can happen any time throughout the month and maybe more noticeable later in the day. You may find that it is relieved by exercising, showering, washing your hair or when you wake in the morning; this is due to the lymph fluid draining and relieving the pressure (and pain).
Sore nipples
You may have a pressure feeling or stabbing pain but only in the nipple and not the surrounding breast tissue. This is linked to oestrogen in excess and peak times of the cycle. This can happen at time of the month with an oestrogen surge or later in your perimenopause as you miss periods with oestrogen declining but surging to try and have a period.
You may have a combination of both these types of pain and if you have permanently sore nipples, it could be a case of oestrogen dominance. This is when you have low levels of progesterone in comparison. Progesterone is the first of the two sex hormones to decline; years before oestrogen. Progesterone is also suppressed if you are stressed, allowing symptoms to occur that are linked to oestrogen dominance like low moods, mood swings, anxiety, brain fog and more intense PMS.
Many women head to the internet to google: what causes sore breasts in perimenopause? But without getting the explanation of how to relieve this symptom effectively and with natural options. Today I’ve got you covered with my top 3 natural remedies for sore breasts during menopause coming up!
What causes sore breasts in perimenopause?
Let’s be clear what perimenopause is – you still have periods but you have symptoms that are causing you distress.
If you have periods – you have oestrogen. Regular and heavy periods are common in perimenopause and so your oestrogen levels are good and don’t need to be added too. The issue in perimenopause is the loss of progesterone.
Dr Wendy Sweet writes in her blog on breast health:
“As far back as the 1970’s, Dr John Lee, a medical Doctor from California, was inspired to explore the role of progesterone in perimenopause after noticing that many of his female patients were intolerant to the use of oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT).
Dr Lee believed that the distressing symptoms that so many women experienced during menopause were in fact NOT due to the low oestrogen levels, which is a natural occurrence during menopause, but in fact, due to higher-than-normal amounts of oestrogen present in the body fat tissues.
He realised that women with a pre-disposition to put on weight, had higher levels of oestrogen circulating in their blood stream and with new research into obesity, he knew that fat cells are a receptor or storage area for oestrogen too. This includes breast tissue. Because oestrogen, like other hormones, works in harmony with an opposing hormone, Dr Lee, began to explore the role of oestrogen’s opposing hormone, progesterone.”
Image supplied by hormonesbalance.com
What can I take for menopause after breast cancer?
This is a major concern for women as the main question really is: What can I take instead of HRT after breast cancer? As a holistic practitioner I have a whole array of natural ways of helping you relieve menopause symptoms. I help you look after not only your breast health but your overall health; I have a lot of ways to help you. Also, you may be on Tamoxifen and are concerned about what you can take that will not contra-indicate this. One key piece of health advice for any stage of menopause and to keep you in good breast health is to support and clean your liver; this is predominantly done with herbal supplements like milk thistle and turmeric.
Unfortunately, any herbals that have a cleansing effect on the liver are normally contra-indicated with medicines that work on the liver and thus may reduce the efficacy of Tamoxifen. The best thing you can do is work on your liver health today in a preventative capacity. For those already on Tamoxifen then it would be nutrient supplements (vitamins and minerals) and natural lifestyle solutions to reduce stress and inflammation in your body like shiatsu, acupuncture, yoga and meditative. There ARE plenty of options so please reach out to an experienced practitioner like myself who can help you navigate your way through. Symptoms can be reduced effectively without the need for HRT.
Mammogram v thermogram for breast health
As you transition through menopause and oestrogen drops your breast tissue becomes more fatty and less dense and now a mammogram can see better as it’s an Xray. This is why you’re invited to mammograms after 50 rather than at a younger age. However, if you go onto HRT breast tissue potentially can become denser (and possibly lumpy). This should be investigated with your GP if you have any concerns.
One major point to note is that painful breasts tend to be hot as well; prolonged heat allows lumps to form. Lymph fluid trapped in the breast tissue is causing pain and not doing the job of removing trapped toxins. If the lymph is stagnated in the breast tissue it will turn gelatinous and eventually to a lump. Heat in the breast area is not a good idea. This is where a thermogram comes in – it’s a heat temperature map of your breasts.
From hormonebalance.com on thermograms:
“Just as with the weather report, you’re looking at a map of the country, with a thermogram, you’re looking at a map of the person. The colours on a thermogram reflect the temperature of the breast tissue. Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue give you the temperature spectrum.
It’s important to note that a thermogram IS a Breast Thermal Findings Assessment. It is NOT a Breast Risk Thermal Assessment. The risk assessment comes from the doctor’s interpretation of the thermal findings, which may result in a diagnosis.
In other words, a thermogram is kind of like an x-ray. It’s nothing more than a radiological image of structures. It doesn’t diagnose. Just like when you get an x-ray, the black and white image itself doesn’t tell you whether there’s cancer there. It’s the interpretation that is the diagnosis.”
A mammogram shows up the vascular density in the breast which is an indication of oestrogen dominance and this allows for a higher risk of cancer. A thermogram shows up heat patterns and the more towards red (i.e. blue is cold) the pattern - is the more heat there is. Cancer cells produce heat – see the examples below.

image supplied by hormonesbalance.com
Top 3 natural ways toincrease your breast health in menopause
Breast pain can come and go with changes in hormones and lifestyle but for a permanent pain with any other changes (view list at end of blog) you should see your doctor for. Even if you do arrange an appointment, you can still start on these natural ways to help your body detox and support your health overall ahead of any diagnosis or treatment. The sooner you help your body to reduce inflammation and cleanse itself the better your body will be able to cope with medical situations.
Natural solutions and remedies are preventative in nature and so there is no reason why you shouldn’t start today. The good news is that everything you do for your breast health will also aid in reducing your overall menopause symptoms; after all - Breast health is health!
1. Look after your liver
Your liver is amazing but in midlife it can struggle due to foods and lifestyle; it’s like a car that’s way overdue on its service. If you’re experiencing regular low-level nausea, mood swings, lethargy, itchy skin, night sweats, irritability, out bursts of anger or reaction to sugar/alcohol you need to detox your liver. I have a step-by-step guide to liver detoxing here. >>
2. Gentle breast massage to shift stagnant lymph fluid (but not if you feel a lump)

image supplied by wellena.com
Using the heel of your hand gently massage in the direction of the arrows this moves lymph out of the breast tissue and back into the lymphatic system to be detoxed. So yes it may hurt to do this massage the first time I know because it did for me but the upside is that once you encourage lymph to move it rarely hurts afterwards. I teach this breast massage in any classes that I do as it’s so important so don’t be squeamish – have a go! You can try in the shower or in bed, without or without clothes; but don’t use oils or creams just gentle touch.
You can also take Blackcurrant seed oil a GLA omega oil which is stronger than Evening Primrose (or Starflower) and aids supporting hormone balance. Find the links and discount in my guide here.
Change your deodorant
You apply this directly to the lymph nodes by your breasts and they are full of chemicals and metals like aluminium. Look for toxin free brands like Salt of the Earth. In fact nearly all shop bought skincare contains lethal toxins so start with deodorant and then look into shower gels and creams and start to replace one product at a time until you've removed as many as possible.
Eat the right foods
Nipple pain – low progesterone – boost with vitamins and minerals (foods and plant-based supplements)
Anti-inflammatory foods / supplements (hint it’s the same as above!)
Lower intakes of inflammatory foods (highly processed, alcohol, sugar)
Firstly, start with what you eat. This isn’t a diet it’s about altering your food so that you get the best nutrients from here – your food IS your medicine. With the best will in the world you will not get all the nutrients you need from food and you may not reduce your symptoms significantly. This is due to two factors – stress in your body needs more nutrients that you’re currently eating and food supplies don’t come from mineral rich soil. The food you’re eating isn’t as nutritionally rich as food 50 or so years ago.
I have two resources here to help you: Eat for perimenopause and beyond and Supplements starter guide.
Breast health in menopause is your health after menopause
Breast pain is rarely the number one symptom that women reach out to me for as it isn’t debilitating in everyday life – until it is. Brain fog, hot flushes, sleep deprivation, anxiety and aching joints rank higher. However, in resolving one of these major symptoms effectively you may significantly reduce breast discomfort; as the root cause of symptoms do track back to the same source.
My best piece of advice in any stage of menopause is: DO NOT PUT UP WITH SYMPTOMS. They are your body telling you that something is seriously out of kilter. I have a large self-help area to get you started on making small changes or you can read my book Understanding Your Menopause. You may take up some daily yoga or you may start on a multivitamin or omega oil. Just add in one change and then choose another and another; do not moan – do!
If you have more complex issues or are feeling overwhelmed and do not know where to start then investigate whether a consultation with me is right for you.
I’m passionate about helping women resolve their symptoms so that they can embrace menopause and life beyond but at some point, you need to take action – what action will you choose?
Meet Andrea - Holistic Menopause Specialist
Andrea is a shiatsu and Chinese medicine practitioner who uses the principles and wisdom of Chinese medicine in a completely practical way to help you resolve your symptoms naturally and effectively. If you live locally you can book in for a wonderfully relaxing Shiatsu for Menopause, otherwise Andrea does online indepth consultations where you'll leave with an actionable plan to follow. Andrea is also passionate about doing workplace talks and has written a book to help you step through simple and effect changes to reduce your symptoms: Understanding Your Menopause
Medical disclaimer:
If you have any of the following symptoms in addition to sore breasts, you should see a doctor:
noticeable changes in the size and shape of breasts, particularly if they occur only on one side
changes in skin texture or feel more heat on one side
unexplained discharge from the nipple
a swelling or lump in the armpit or around the collarbone
a lump or abnormally firm area on the breast
persistent breast pain
Swelling /discomfort in the arm pits