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Menopause Supplements 

Find the right supplements that will work and help you start feeling like you again!

3 supplements jars for menopause

Relieve your achy joints in menopause

Relieve your menopause anxiety

and find out just how many symptoms are resolved with nutrients and herbals

The menopause is a personal experience that is different for everybody, and treatment should be tailored accordingly.  These guides are not intended to replace medical advice. If you'd like personal help please book a clarity call with Andrea here.

Branded menopause supplements are a minefield as the market is exploding with options as supplement companies try to cash in on your desperation to resolve your symptoms. 


A blended menopause supplement is one that has many ingredients in -  often combining herbals and minerals together. They will work for a small percentage of women but it's the needle in the haystack scenario finding the one that may work for you!


There is very little scientific backing on any of the blended supplements that are being currently promoted (ref BBC Panorama 30/9/24:  The Menopause Industry Uncovered) - you are being sold to; you are being promised that this one pill will solve everything. I look at the ingredients and percentages of all supplements that I come across and though they contain ingredients that would help; they are either not in a beneficial dose or are not the right ingredients for particular symptoms. Also do not believe any menopause expert endorsement; I don't know who these women are when I've researched further.


The menopause experts that I trust don't endorse any of the products I've looked at. Some supplements will help with some symptoms. However it is better if the supplement is targeted to a small set of symptoms that are linked; it's more likely to be effective. 


I've put together these guides over 5 years of research and clarifying the work of long time natural menopause specialists like Dr Marilyn Glenville and Dr Wendy Sweet; putting this combined knowledge together in easy-to-follow guides that will help a majority of women. Here's the thing - it's not rocket science it's just what the money-machine supplement industy doesn't want you to know...


I've been offered supplements to review that go up to £500 a month - crazy!


Let's start you on the right ingredients that help regulate and balance your body chemistry and in doing so - start addressing your hormone imbalance. The most commone state is low progesterone/ high oestrogen (if you still have regular or heavy periods - you have oestrogen!) . Progesterone is suppressed by stress; so let's combat stress.


Adding in hormones is beneficial for the few (and has to be done at the right time!) but adding in the right vitamins and minerals with some supporting herbals (as required) is beneficial for everyone!



Savvy Supplements 


In this 30 page supplement  guide includes 4 years of research,  observation and results to get all your beneficial supplements in one place.


For 30  plus years when I had issues from gut and hormone health to tension and exhaustion no one ever explained to me that these depletions in my body chemistry could be resolved with taking the right supplements.


savvy supplements indepth guide for menopause symptom relief

In Savvy supplements ebook you will receive:


  • Your Symptoms - find the exact right nutrients for relief

  • Understand what deficiency is and why you need nutrients

  • The difference between nutritional and herbal supplements

  • Why blood tests don't work

  • Supplement quality check

  • The Supplement Foundational Set

  • When to take my supplements guide

  • How to take a supplements holiday

  • Additional guides to hot flush and anxiety relief and belly-fat buster

  • Relieving oestrogen dominance and liver detox

  • Shopping links to the right supplements (without the marketing jazz!)


Plus these bonus templates:


  • Symptom serverity checker

  • Symptoms  - find the right supplements - this is powerful!

  • Supplement journaling

  • Supplement daily planner


Shop Savvy Supplements ebook & templates £5

- Quick Guide


In this paired down mini guide you will receive:


  • Basic understanding of good supplements

  • The top herbal supplement for anxiety

  • How to relieve heat symptoms

  • When to take your supplements

  • Shopping links to plant-based supplements that won't break the bank


This is a free  download!


Best  Menopause Supplements  

menopause supplements guide on phone

 How do herbal supplements differ from Nutritional Ones?


I designed this Menopause Cooling Cream with over 2 years of testing. It relieves flushes and sweats, promotes a better nights sleep and eases anxiety & itchy skin, the feedback has been amazing!

Herbal Supplements  have an energetic action on your body, they help clear imbalances in vital organs, strengthen your blood and energetics, and detox your system. Ashwaganda is an example of this and the first one I recommend if you have fatigue and/ or anxiety. They differ to nutritional supplements which replenish vital deficient minerals in your body chemistry - causing a majority of your symptoms, this is why supplements are crucial if you're suffering with symptoms in mind and body - get my Quick Guide above!


The root cause of the anxiety you're now feeling is actually physical, and so it can be resolved physically plus some understanding of it emotionally, for a step-by-step guide, read more here.


Essential oils will also come under herbal, and  I designed Blossom - Menopause Cooling Cream with over 2 years of testing. It relieves heat symptoms such as flushes and night sweats, promotes better sleep, relieves itchiness and calms you down. It works quickly, and helps you get through the day calm and cool, and a deeper sleep at night.





Your moods depend on your gut health!

Gut Reboot.jpg



90% of your brain's chemicals are made in your gut, also your liver health, energy, nutrition all come from a well functioning gut. This is a critical supplement to add into your health from perimenopause onwards. If you have regular periods, especially if heavy plus low moods then purchase WOMEN, if you have hot flushes/night sweats/itchy skin/irritability/mood swings - purchase DETOX. If you have low energy, plus would like to take marine collagen get FITNESS, and if you need a complete reset on your gut get the REBOOT kit!


For poor gut health and a complete overhaul start with this 90 Gut reboot which comes with support materials.


Improve your breast health, detox your liver and remove dirty oestrogens

 I've been working on my lliver health for the last 3 years on and off, and what I've learnt is its better to do a little something every day.  You can still do seasonal detoxes, but rather than allowing toxins and dirty oestrogens to build up and cause you a host of symptoms like painful breasts, fibroids, endometriosis, painful periods, heat and irritability (from liver toxicity) lets flush them out of your body every.single. day.


Liver Phase 1 & 2 detoxification requires a couple of supplements to cleanse the liver of sugars and oestrogens. Book a clarity call with Andrea and receive your free supplement starter guide to help you resolve your heat symptoms once and for all.

How your liver affects your symptoms in your menopause and how to resolve naturally

If you'd like to understand more about detoxing your liver and support through a  7 to 10 day cleanse then here's my step-by-step guide to get you through!


Contact me for a clarity call if you're unsure how to get started on cleansing out dirty oestrogen and if your symptoms are a sign of oestrogen dominance, you'll then get a fantastic discount code off for your first cytoplan order.  

Books, guides and videos to help you


You can start resolving your symptoms swiftly once you know what's going on and what to do about it. I have created a selection of supportive materials to help you in a format that is right for you.


From the basic knowledge of your whole health and hormones start with 'Understanding Your Menopause' in both ebook and paperback. 'Eating for the Perimenopause' helps you understand how food/drink relates to your symptoms.


If you have a bundle of heat symptoms you'll love the liver detox guide - stepping you through a 7 day plan.


For anxiety, I explain how it starts in your gut, but then your head takes over, to resolve anxiety once and for all you need to take nutritional supplements as you will be low, I know this because you have symptoms. Try this guide, you will be amazed at what anxiety is and how you resolve it!


Read about how to relieve your symptoms in your menopause at any stage
Relieve your liver associated menopause symptoms naturally
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