I meet so many women who feel their GP's don't understand them or dismiss that their symptoms could possibly Menopause related. The bottom line is if you don't feel great and you can count a handful of symptoms and you're 40 or over, it could very likely be the PeriMenopause. At this point you may not have heat symptoms as most of the early onset symptoms are:
Fatigue, Brain Fog, Overwhelm, Anxiety, Achy Joints, Low Moods, Panic Attacks.... and you feel cold!
Hormone tests don't prove an awful lot though according to N.I.C.E if you're under 45 they will test for one for the main hormones FSH. Over 45 it should now be taken as read that if you go in to see your GP, Menopause is to be of great consideration
The full N.I.C.E Guidelines are here: Diagnosing The Menopause
The short version is, your GP has now been told to listen to you and not to be dismissive of your symptoms.
Another important note to consider is that they have also been advised NOT to give out Anti-depressants ( selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) for regularly dealing with Heat Symptoms. This is masking the problem.
There is further reading here: Guidelines in Practise which gives you more support and advice about how The Menopause can be diagnoses.
If you have any Menopausal Symptoms, I can help with my therapy and advice, I do this regularly for women and you can see my Success Stories Here - Please contact me HERE to book in for your Complimentary Menopause Clarity Call to find out how I can help you.
Best Wishes, Andrea