Hash tags around the menopause are popping up everywhere, on Twitter, Instagram and I guess Facebook are now having to catch up. The great thing about these is they're creating awareness, and my main area that I'm focusing on is the Perimenopause, for a couple of reasons:
1. The Perimenopause happens typically in your 40s, or your 30s if you're having an early Menopause. I want to raise awareness in women of the symptoms you'll experience at this time
2. The Perimenopause doesn't necessarily have ANY heat symptoms. In Chinese Medicine, they're 'cold' - fatigue, overwhelm, foggy brain, anxiety
3. I get really angry that some GPs tell women they're depressed and try to push them down the route of Anti-depressants
4. I get really angry that some GPs tell women 'Anti-depressants .... this is how we treat menopause symptoms'.
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!
Treat menopause symptoms with HRT at the very least, if appropriate. Treat symptoms by having the correct information to give women, learn about what the symptoms are and how to resolve them. I'm all about giving women advice on how to treat their symptoms at home and I'm taking this week off to write my 'Online Self Help Guide' which I'm really looking forward to doing and releasing very soon!
In the meantime there are some great campaigns out there trying to raise awareness of symptoms of the Menopause, this poster campaign is from @Pausitivity on twitter, with the hashtag #knowyourmenopause - you can download it here:
AND I have my fantastic bookmarks - you can get a free one here (just pay postage). Keep it in a book, in your bag, follow the tips AND take along to your GP!